WEEK 14.


May 21, 2022

For this week's task I teamed up with Angel and we were guided by Jeremy. We started by following the tutorial in the fablab documentation. We started by connecting our both ESP32 feather boards together with this diagram as a guide.

post-thumb post-thumb

After connecting the wires we connected them to our computers and started writing a code. The tutorial led us to another example but we decided to try our own simple one with the help of a more experienced classmate: Jeremy. We started with this code to receive only from one board the information.


In this code you can see Serial is one board and Serial1 is the name of the other board. This code is only to read the information sent from Serial to Serial1.


We modified it a bit so we could read the message sent by the arduino. When we wrote hello this is what we saw.


As you can see we were seeing only numbers so we went to use the reference of the ASCII table. This translates numbers into characters. We needed to find a way of modifying the code so that this would be done automatically by it.


We used in the code the incoming byte 13 which refers to carriage return which will help us translate the numbers into letters. We also added changes so we could see the name of the person sending the message and connected both boards both ways so the communication would go forwards and backwards. Here is a video of how it works.
