Principles and practices, project management.

January 29, 2022

On this first week of fablab we were introduced to the course and some concepts of internet, web and code.


As a first assignment I created the FabLab section on my website so you guys can have access to my weekly assignments and discoveries. The second assignment was to see some of the websites of last year MDEF students and choose 3 examples of documentation that we found interesting. David Wyss's was very pleasant to see because of its simplicity, also I found it really easy to read through due to its direct and consistent structure.


The second example I liked was Paco Flores'. I liked his documentation style because the images were in a big format capturing my attention and then the description was also very concise. The layout from the lateral side is also easier to navigate and I thought it was a good idea to add the link to the repo.


Third example is Roger Guillemenay, his documentation was more written but also very easy to navigate through.
