

October 18, 2021

During this first week I gained a lot of insights mainly about my fellow students. I absoloutely enjoyed getting to know most of them, although I’m still missing some and I would really like to get to know them more. I think in general we’re all really interesting people with very different backgrounds. I believe collaboration can grow from getting to know each other and our interests, knowledge and skills.

I got also very excited about this first term when the teachers were explaining it a bit more into detail. Defining what’s my fight is what I find a bit more challenging. I believe I have a lot of concerns in my life and some of them are really big issues I wouldn’t know how to approach. But in a way I’m happy that I get to discuss them with my classmates and friends to find different perspectives and experiences towards them.


We analyzed our present skills and divided them between knowledge, skills and attitude. This exercise actually requires a lot of self consciousness and to know yourself well. So after a few moments of deep thought I manage to write down some of my skills and then add up the future skills I want to obtain in the upcoming months.

For a last exercise we had to analyze the subjects we will have and the skills we want to obtain from them.

What I also found very challenging this first week was the coding of the website. This is my first approach to this language and I honestly feel a bit lost. I’ve set my mind to see more tutorials and experiment more with the program. Also I managed to ask for a bit of help from my classmates which was very nice to have. I really hope (I’m sure) I’ll get better at this, and in a few months I’ll probably laugh back at me.



Week 2. Atlas of Weak Signals.

This second week we had the Atlas of Weak Signals course, which analyzes emerging issues that can be assessed and in which way they can be approached. This included a trip to Collserolla.

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Week 3. Biology Zero.

Week 3 was the introduction to biology. We learnt about microorganisms all around us and the composition behind them from cells to systems.

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Week 4. Agri Zero.

Agriculture Zero was a glimpse of what the agriculture world is. We went from the basics to the deeps like analyzing soil.

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